Beechworth Chiltern Rutherglen Tangambalanga Wahgunyah Yackandandah
Letters to the Editor
Submissions to Council
Memorial Hall Memories

(John Harvey's Website and Blog)
Welcome to my website and blog. The primary purpose of these pages is to provide a forum to counteract the "spin" that comes from Indigo Shire Council headquartered at Beechworth in Northeast Victoria ( It is dedicated to freedom of expression, fighting political correctness and countering the social engineering of the "woke" left. Sometimes I will also comment on state, national and international politics and society. Unless otherwise stated all opinions expressed on this website are those of the author, John Harvey.   

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." (attributed to Edmund Burke)

links to some of my letters to the editor
("Border Morning Mail" & "Ovens and Murray Advertiser")
Re: Beechworth Goods Shed - Ovens and Murray Advertiser - 2018
2. Re: The Death of Democracy - The Border Mail - 2018
3. Re: Beechworth's Historic Goods Shed Restoration? - Ovens and Murray Advertiser - 2019
4. Re: Indigo Shire Tourism - Ovens and Murray Advertiser - 2019
5. Re: Burke Museum Moving Heritage Online - Ovens and Murray Advertiser - 2020
6. Re: Proposed Local Law No. 3 – Indigo Shire Council - Ovens and Murray Advertiser - 2020
7. Re: 2021 Budget - Ovens and Murray Advertiser - 2021
more letters to come